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Regular Price $164.99 CADVendor: Upperdeck
Product Type : Hockey Sealed
Hurry! Only19units left in stock!CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS
• The newest edition of Upper Deck Credentials sports a 200-card base set which includes a 100-card, serially-#’d Debut Ticket Access rookie subset split into four tiers of rarity.
o The parallel lineup is deep and colorful! There are 10 parallels of the veterans and nine parallels of the rookies, highlighted by the shared Pink (#’d to 49), Green (#’d to 25), Purple (#’d to 10 & Hobby-exclusive), Gold (#’d to 5) and Black (#’d 1-of-1) parallels.
o There is also a horizontal variant of the complete Debut Ticket Access rookie subset which features the same serially-#’d tiers as well as the same colorful parallel lineup.
o Collect one (1) base set parallel card and four (4) Debut Ticket Access cards (regular/parallel; includes horizontal variants) per box, on average.
• HARD-SIGNED AUTOGRAPHS! Traditionally, Credentials has offered a bevy of #’d and hard-signed star veteran and rookie chase cards and the 2022-23 release continues that tradition. Below is a rundown of the available hard-signed insert sets. Each set has the same seven (7) parallels (only the #’ing varies from set-to-set), and that lineup includes a Hobby-exclusive Purple parallel and a 1-of-1 Black parallel.
o Debut Ticket Access Autographs: This popular 50-card set features the top 2022-23 rookies. The regular set is split into three tiers (#’d to 299, 199 and 99) and the Purple parallel is #’d to 10.
o Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs: The horizontal variant of the regular Debut Ticket Access Autographs set includes only the top 25 rookies. Each card in the regular set is #’d to 99 or 35, and the Purple parallel cards are #’d to 3 or 2.
o Ticket Access Autographs: This is the star veteran counterpart of the Debut Ticket Access Autographs set. The cards in the regular set are #’d to 99, 49 or 25, and the Purple parallel cards are #’d to 2.
o Retro Ticket Access Autographs: This limited-subject set sports a colorful retro ticket-inspired design and five superstar players. The cards in the regular set are #’d to 25, and the Purple parallel cards are #’d to 2.
o Acetate Debut Ticket Access Autographs & Acetate Ticket Access Autographs: These stunning, low-#’d rookie and veteran cards, built on the always-popular acetate stock, will be valuable additions to any collection! These cards are parallels of the non-auto sets #’d to 249 (rookies) and 149 (veterans).
• NEW INSERTS! Be the first to collect the all-new Bubble Hockey and Highly-Anticipated insert sets! Bubble Hockey is a rare acetate set in which superstars and top rookies are pictured as their bubble hockey figures would appear in the classic game. Keep an eye out for Gold Spectrum parallel cards #’d to 25! Highly Anticipated features the top players from the 2022-23 rookie class. Be on the lookout for Auto parallels!
• The popular 1st, 2nd and 3rd Star of the Night cards - with veteran and rookie versions - are back! Keep an eye out for low-#d autograph parallels.
• Both the Main Stage Signatures and Speed of the Game inserts, which debuted in 2021-22, return as well. Main Stage Signatures is a veteran-only autograph set with a two-tiered Gold parallel (#’d to 25 and 10) and a 1-of-1 Black parallel. Speed of the Game is a stunning Light FX insert showcasing some of the fastest players (veterans and rookies) in the league today. Collect one rookie version per box, on average.
(on average)
1st, 2nd and 3rd Star of the Night (Vets & Rookies) and/or Highly Anticipated Cards
Debut Ticket Access Cards
(Includes Parallels)
Tech Cards
Base Set Parallel Card
Autograph or Non-Auto Acetate Card
Content, including the stated checklist #’ing, card #’ing and ratios, is subject to change without further notice. Additionally, this list may not contain all cards available in the product as there could be unannounced cards.
Hard-Signed Autograph Cards
Card #’ing/Ratio
Acetate Debut Ticket Access - Autograph Parallel #’d to 99
Acetate Ticket Access - Autograph Parallel Varied #’ing
Debut Ticket Access Autographs (Tier 1) #’d to 299
Debut Ticket Access Autographs (Tier 2) #’d to 199
Debut Ticket Access Autographs (Tier 3) #’d to 99
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 125
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 75
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 99
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 49
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 45
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 25
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 35
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 15
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Green Parallel #’d to 25
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 10
Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs (Tier 1) #’d to 99
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs (Tier 2) #’d to 35
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 49
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 15
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 25
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 9
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 15
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 6
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 10
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 4
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Green Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 5
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Green Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 3
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Purple Parallel (Tier 1) (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 3
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Purple Parallel (Tier 2) (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 2
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access Autographs - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Ticket Access Autographs Varied #’ing
Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel #’d to 25
Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel #’d to 10
Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel #’d to 5
Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel #’d to 4
Ticket Access Autographs - Green Parallel #’d to 3
Ticket Access Autographs - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 2
Ticket Access Autographs - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Retro Ticket Access Autographs #’d to 25
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel #’d to 15
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel #’d to 10
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel #’d to 5
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel #’d to 4
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Green Parallel #’d to 3
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 2
Retro Ticket Access Autographs - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Non-Hard-Signed Autograph Cards
Card #’ing/Ratio
1st Star of the Night - Auto Parallel Varied #’ing
1st Star of the Night Rookies - Auto Parallel #’d to 25
2nd Star of the Night - Auto Parallel #’d to 49
2nd Star of the Night Rookies - Auto Parallel #’d to 49
3rd Star of the Night - Auto Parallel #’d to 99
3rd Star of the Night Rookies - Auto Parallel #’d to 99
Dual Ticket Access Autographs Varied #’ing
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Yellow Parallel #’d to 10
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Red Parallel #’d to 6
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Orange Parallel #’d to 5
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Blue Parallel #’d to 4
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Green Parallel #’d to 3
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 2
Dual Ticket Access Autographs - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Highly Anticipated - Auto Parallel (New!) 1:40
Main Stage Signatures 1:64
Main Stage Signatures - Gold Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 25
Main Stage Signatures - Gold Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 10
Main Stage Signatures - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Non-Auto Insert Cards
Card #’ing/Ratio
1st Star of the Night 1:10
1st Star of the Night Rookies 1:15
2nd Star of the Night 1:10
2nd Star of the Night Rookies 1:15
3rd Star of the Night 1:10
3rd Star of the Night Rookies 1:15
Acetate Debut Ticket Access #’d to 249
Acetate Ticket Access #’d to 149
Bubble Hockey (New!) 1:320
Bubble Hockey - Gold Spectrum Parallel (New!) #’d to 25
Bubble Hockey Rookies (New!) 1:160
Bubble Hockey Rookies - Gold Spectrum Parallel (New!) #’d to 25
Highly Anticipated (New!) 1:2
Speed of the Game Stars 1:16
Speed of the Game Rookies 1:6
Non-Auto Base Set Cards
Card #’ing/Ratio
Base Set (1-100) 4:1
Base Set - Yellow Parallel 1:24
Base Set - Red Parallel #’d to 299
Base Set - Orange Parallel #’d to 149
Base Set - Blue Parallel #’d to 99
Base Set - Neon Green Parallel #’d to 75
Base Set - Pink Parallel #’d to 49
Base Set - Green Parallel #’d to 25
Base Set - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 10
Base Set - Gold Parallel #’d to 5
Base Set - Black Parallel #’d to 1-of-1
Debut Ticket Access (Tier 1) (101-155) #’d to 999
Debut Ticket Access (Tier 2) (156-180) #’d to 799
Debut Ticket Access (Tier 3) (181-195) #’d to 599
Debut Ticket Access (Tier 4) (196-200) #’d to 399
Debut Ticket Access - Yellow Parallel 1:24
Debut Ticket Access - Red Parallel #’d to 299
Debut Ticket Access - Orange Parallel #’d to 149
Debut Ticket Access - Blue Parallel #’d to 99
Debut Ticket Access - Pink Parallel #’d to 49
Debut Ticket Access - Green Parallel #’d to 25
Debut Ticket Access - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 10
Debut Ticket Access - Gold Parallel #’d to 5
Debut Ticket Access - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access (Tier 1) #’d to 999
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access (Tier 2) #’d to 799
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access (Tier 3) #’d to 599
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access (Tier 4) #’d to 399
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Yellow Parallel 1:24
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Red Parallel #’d to 299
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Orange Parallel #’d to 149
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Blue Parallel #’d to 99
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Pink Parallel #’d to 49
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Green Parallel #’d to 25
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Purple Parallel (Hobby Exclusive!) #’d to 10
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Gold Parallel #’d to 5
Horizontal Debut Ticket Access - Black Parallel #’d 1-of-1
English version at the bottom.
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English version:
Return Policy You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by King Cards Valleyfield within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.).
Cancellations If you decide to cancel an order, a 3% fee restocking fee will be applied to the refund amount.
Cancellations and refunds are not possible on order if processed or on preorders when placed and reserved through our Distrubution channels. If you want to cancel an order already process, we will charge you a 4% fee on the cancellation.
Refunds are possible on tracked shippings, for missing cards and for grading errors. If this happens, you can reach us by phone, Facebook or email. We may ask you for additional documents such as pictures of the shipped cards or we may ask you to return the items before processing to refunds. We'll notify you via e-mail of your refund once we've received and processed the necessary documents. This process can take up to a week in addition to all shipping delays
If you pay by:
Your refund will go to:
... time until return is processed:
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Added To Cart :Add To Cart Failed :prouduct successfully added to wishlist !Le Grading Guide
Near Mint (NM)'
Near Mint condition cards show minimal or no wear from play or handling and will have an unmarked surface, crisp corners, and otherwise pristine edges outside of minimal handling. Near Mint condition cards appear 'fresh out of the pack,' with edges and surfaces virtually free from all flaws. '
Lightly Played (LP)'
Lightly Played condition cards can have slight border or corner wear, or possibly minor scratches. No major defects are present, and there are less than 4 total flaws on the card. Lightly Played condition foils may have slight fading or indications of wear on the card face. '
Moderately Played (MP)'
Moderately Played condition cards have moderate wear, or flaws apparent to the naked eye. Moderately Played condition cards can show moderate border wear, mild corner wear, water damage, scratches , creases or fading, light dirt buildup, or any combination of these defects. '
Heavily Played (HP)'
Heavily Played condition cards exhibit signs of heavy wear. Heavily Played condition cards may include cards that have significant creasing, folding, severe water damage, heavy whitening, heavy border wear, and /or tearing. '
Damaged (D)'
Damaged condition cards show obvious tears, bends, or creases that could make the card illegal for tournament play, even when sleeved. Damaged condition cards have massive border wear, possible writing or major inking (ex. white-bordered cards with black-markered front borders), massive corner wear, prevalent scratching, folds, creases or tears. '